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Watch Now: Monsoon Heavy Rain Destroyed Part of the Rajkot-Ahmedabad Highway

Key Points

  • Gujarat’s heavy rains have hit the Rajkot-Ahmedabad highway hard.
  • Part of the highway is badly damaged.
  • A video of the damage has gone viral on social media.

Looma News

The recent monsoon rains have really trashed Gujarat’s transportation network, especially the Rajkot-Ahmedabad highway. This crucial route, which connects a lot of places, has been badly affected by the non-stop rain. The heavy downpours over the last few days have caused erosion and broken down infrastructure, making travel tough and unsafe.

There’s a video of the highway damage that’s been spreading fast on social media, showing the urgent need for repairs and the wider impact of the severe weather on local infrastructure. The video not only shows how bad things are but also highlights the immediate struggles for both travelers and officials.

Overall, this incident highlights how extreme weather is messing with infrastructure and shows the need for better planning to handle these issues in the future.

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