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Singapore Man’s Scheme to Frame His Wife Went Horribly Wrong

Key Points

  • Tan Xianglong, 37, tried to frame his wife by hiding 500 grams of cannabis in her car.
  • His goal was to get her arrested and use that as a way to get a divorce, knowing Singapore’s tough drug laws could mean the death penalty for trafficking.
  • He bragged about his “perfect crime” in Telegram chats with his girlfriend.
  • The plan fell apart because a camera in his wife’s car caught him red-handed.
  • Tan got a sentence of three years and ten months in prison.

Looma News

In Singapore, 37-year-old Tan Xianglong has been handed nearly four years in prison for a failed and pretty bizarre attempt to frame his wife. He tried to plant a whopping 500 grams of cannabis in her car, fully aware that Singapore’s strict drug laws could have meant a death sentence for such a big stash.

Tan was having a rough time with his marriage. After tying the knot in 2021, the couple split up a year later, but Singapore’s divorce laws made it tough to finalize things quickly. Eager to get a divorce, Tan cooked up a plan to get his wife arrested, thinking a criminal record would help him get out of the marriage.

In October 2022, Tan bought a brick of cannabis from a Telegram group, weighed it to make sure it was over 500 grams, and hid it in his wife’s car. But his plan fell apart when a camera in her car recorded him planting the drugs. Tan’s ego got the better of him, and he bragged about his so-called “perfect crime” to his girlfriend, only for his scheme to blow up in his face.

Now, Tan is doing three years and ten months in prison. His case shows just how serious drug trafficking is in Singapore and the extreme lengths some people will go to in their personal disputes.

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