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Is Air India’s Management Out of Touch with Reality?

Key Points

  • Air India’s latest viral videos reveal the rough conditions on their long-haul flights.
  • They’re trying to shake things up but still hitting a lot of bumps in the road.
  • Travelers are unhappy about the service and worn-out interiors, even with pricey tickets.
  • JRD Tata’s advice from back in the day is still super relevant but totally ignored.
  • Since Tata bought it in 2022, the airline’s racked up a mountain of debt.

Looma News

Social media has been blowing up with some pretty cringe-worthy videos showing just how bad their long-haul flights can be. It looks like the advice from JRD Tata is just sitting there, not being used.

To give them some credit, Air India is trying to revamp things with their fleet and staff, but wow, they’ve got some serious challenges ahead! Passengers are voicing their frustrations about crew members who aren’t super helpful and interiors that look like they’ve been through a lot. It’s a far cry from what Tata aimed for back in the day.

The Not-So-Sweet Flight Experience

One recent viral story is about a guy who paid over $6,000 for a first-class ticket from Delhi to Chicago. What did he get for all that cash? Worn-out seats, a broken entertainment system, and no Wi-Fi on a 15-hour flight. You’d think a ticket that pricey would promise a comfy ride, but lucky for him, he got a refund.

Others haven’t been so lucky. Like a woman flying from Mumbai to New York who had to deal with a broken tray and flickering lights, all while paying top dollar. I can totally relate, I had a similar experience on a JFK to Delhi flight a couple of years back. It felt like the crew was more focused on some VIP instead of making the rest of us happy.

What Gives?

It’s super clear that Air India has some big issues with their long-haul flights, especially with their older planes. You have to wonder: why hasn’t management stepped up? Maybe they’re just counting on high demand and are more into making money than actually caring about comfort. If they can fill those seats at high prices, why bother fixing the complaints?

Sure, they might give a few refunds or post an apologetic tweet here and there, but that’s not cutting it for a lot of passengers. It feels like a gamble for the airline, hoping that a few unhappy Instagrammers won’t affect their profits.

A Call to Action

Instead of waiting for things to go downhill, maybe Air India’s execs should take a hint from JRD Tata. A little undercover travel on their own planes might just help them see what their customers are dealing with. Who knows? It could spark some real change. A bit of honesty and transparency could really help, maybe by offering lower prices for those older planes instead of pretending everything’s fine.

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