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High-Profile Kerala Actor-Producer Baburaj Faces Serious Sexual Assault Charges

Key Points

  • Malayalam actor-producer Baburaj is being accused of sexual assault by a junior artiste.
  • Baburaj, who is also the joint general secretary of Kerala’s AMMA, says the allegations are false and plans to take legal action.
  • This accusation comes right after other big names in the Kerala film industry stepped down over similar claims.
  • The junior artiste, who wants to stay anonymous, says the assault happened in 2019 at Baburaj’s house.
  • Baburaj thinks this claim is part of a conspiracy to get him out of AMMA and questions the complainant’s motives.

Looma News

So, there’s some big drama happening in the Malayalam film world right now. Actor-producer Baburaj is facing some serious accusations from a junior artiste who says he sexually assaulted her back in 2019. This news comes just after other major figures in the industry resigned over similar issues.

Baburaj, who also holds a position as joint general secretary of AMMA, is denying all the claims. He believes this is a setup to mess with his career and influence in AMMA. He thinks the timing of these allegations is sketchy and suggests it’s more about personal grudges than actual issues.

The junior artiste, who wants to stay anonymous, says she was invited to Baburaj’s place under the guise of discussing a film role. Once there, she claims she was isolated and assaulted. She mentioned that she told the police at the time but was talked out of making a formal report. Now, with Baburaj publicly challenging her story, she’s ready to share her side and face the media to clear things up.

This whole situation highlights ongoing problems in the film industry with how sexual misconduct claims are handled and what it means for people in power. Everyone’s keeping an eye on how the investigation unfolds and how Baburaj’s legal strategy plays out.

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