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Are Actors in Bollywood Really Working for Free? Rajit Kapur Speaks Out!

Rajit Kapur on Actor Exploitation

Key Points

  • Rajit Kapur’s been talking about how actors are getting the short end of the stick in the film industry.
  • Actors often work for free or get paid way less than they should, and sometimes they wait up to 90 days to get their pay.
  • Kapur’s not happy with how there’s no real support or protection for actors’ rights.
  • Even with casting agencies and streaming platforms popping up, the exploitation issue is still going strong.
  • Actors often have to accept lower pay because there’s so much competition for roles.

Looma News

Rajit Kapur’s been really open about a major problem in the film industry: actors getting exploited. In a recent interview, he talked about how many actors either don’t get paid or get paid way less than they should. It’s a tough scene where actors might wait for months without getting any cash and sometimes have to work for free just to land a part.

Kapur pointed out that there’s no solid system in place to make sure actors get paid fairly. Even though casting agencies have popped up recently, they haven’t really tackled the core issue of exploitation. He mentioned that while corporate jobs have strict pay schedules, actors can be left hanging for up to 90 days without a paycheck. And if you stand up to a producer, you might risk not getting any more work.

He also touched on how OTT platforms, while giving actors more opportunities, still don’t solve the problem of low pay. Kapur’s frustrated that foreign tech workers get paid well while actors often get stuck with tiny paychecks or are expected to work for nothing.

All in all, Rajit Kapur’s comments highlight the need for a big change in how actors are treated and paid in the industry. His words draw attention to the fairness issues and the need for better support for actors, calling for a re-evaluation of how their work is valued.

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